The origins of the parks within Glasgow begins with a gift of land from the King James II in 1450 to be used as common grazing. Recognition grew in the early 19th century of the need for green and open spaces amongst the growing industrial nature of the city. As early as 1860 ‘adult gymnasium’ equipment was provided at Glasgow Green. When Linn Park was opened in 1921 it was referred to as a ‘green lung’ for the city. ‘Fresh air was essential to human life”
Popular uses of the park include running, cycling, boot camps, walking and other forms of exercise. The first organised trail race within the park took place in 2019. Called the ‘Toot-a-Linn’, it was an 7.5km trail race using the White Cart Walkway and other trails within the park. The photograph below is from after the finish when all enjoyed a cup of tea or coffee.